Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Break the Rules

Try writing a song with your ears as your guide. If something sounds right, then let it ride; follow the music to wherever it takes you. Disregard theory for just a moment and try something spontaneous. Incorporate other musicians, experiment with atonal music, and try to get a different perspective on music making. Do something unique!

Check out what Princeton University’s Music Department is up to in an article by Jamie Saxon:

“Through improvisational techniques, the students are creating group compositions influenced by sound, gestures, rhythm, poetry/spoken word and visual arts” (Saxon).

Unique, huh? I once performed something of this nature with a previous guitar instructor as a warm up before a lesson. I was instructed to play around with sounds, disregarding notes and structure. So, I went off percussing, bending, scraping, anything that came to mind. The point was to let go and stop thinking. It can prove to be quite a liberating experience. 

I also encourage you to check out W.A. Mathieu's "The Listening Book," as it is a great resource for listening to the world in a new perspective.


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